The Gupta Group has proposed a 25-storey mixed-use building for the southeast corner of Bayview and Broadway, currently occupied by 6 single-family residences. The developer has asked that the site be rezoned from its current Residential Detached zoning, with a height limit of 8.5M, to allow an 83.5M high building with an additional 7.4M mechanical penthouse. A total of 288 dwelling units and 256 square metres of non-residential uses are proposed, with a density of 8.695 times the area of the site.
In 2018, the City adopted the Midtown Secondary Plan which included policies for the Bayview Focus Area, envisioning predominantly mid-rise (5-12 storeys) and a maximum of 6 storeys in the block including 1837-1845 Bayview. However, the Province, in approving the Midtown Secondary Plan in 2019, made almost 200 modifications, including one which allows proposals for buildings between 20 and 35 stores to be consider in the Bayview Focus Area, and another one which deleted the 6-storey height restriction on the property.
The developer has not responded to any of the City’s (or residents’) concerns and appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, with a 14-day hearing scheduled to start on October 17, 2023.
Proposal Timeline
- December, 2021 – a Zoning Amendment Application is filed in for a a mixed-use development comprising a 25-storey building with a residential tower element and 6-storey base building element at 1837-1845 Bayview Avenue, totalling 83.5M high and an additional 7.4M for a mechanical penthouse. A total of 288 dwelling units and 256 square metres of non-residential uses are proposed, with a density of 8.695 times the area of the site.
- January 26, 2022 – City of Toronto issues a preliminary report, recommending that City Planning staff schedule a Community Consultation Meeting, together with the Ward Councillor. Staff identified a number of serious issues with the proposal.
- On March 21, 2022, the applicant appealed the Zoning By-law and Site Plan Control applications to the Ontario Land Tribunal (“OLT”) due to Council not making a decision within the respective 90-day and 30-day time frames in the Planning Act.
- On May 5, 2022, a virtual Community Consultation was held, with over 150 participants, who outlined a large number of serious concerns with the project.
- On December 14 and 15, 2022, City Council responded to Planning’s Request for Direction Report, instructing the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend the OLT hearing and oppose the application in its current form and and to continue discussions with the Applicant to resolve outstanding issues. The OLT hearing is expected to be held in October, 2023. Bayview Broadway Good Planning is a Party and the LRA is Participant.
The LRA’s Response
On June 3, 2022, the LRA submitted a letter setting out our concerns with the Zoning application in detail. On November 28, 2022 the LRA submitted another letter to the City in response to the Zoning Amendment Application and the Request for Direction.
In particular, the LRA supported Community Planning’s comments with respect to built form:
The built form of the proposal does not conform to the relevant policies of the Official Plan and the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan. The proposal at 25 storeys is too tall and does not provide adequate transition to the Bayview and Broadway frontages, nor down to the Built-up Zones of low-rise Neighbourhood designated areas to the east”.
Other major concerns in addition to the height and massing of the proposal:
- Because of the elevated location, the proposed building would appear as being even higher than 25 storeys.
- Potential wind effects at grade
- The potential impact on Sunnybrook heliport operations given the building height and elevated location.
- The FSI of the proposed building (8.7) is well above that of recently approved buildings in the vicinity.
- Lack of reasonable transitioning to nearby development, negatively impacting privacy, daylight, sky view, and sunlight/shadow for the public realm and neighbouring properties.
- Shadowing on St. Augustine’s Church to the north and its associated day care facility.
- Inadequate parking
- Will treatment of the Bayview frontage will accommodate cycling routes and street trees?
- No setback from Bayview and inadequate northern setback – excessive development on small site.
- The property is on a Priority Retail Street which requires continuous weather protection, but proposal only shows a canopy over the entrance.
- It would be desirable to see a greater portion of the building used for employment generating purposes in order to meet the overall objective of creating a complete community.
- No continuous retail frontage envisioned by OP Amd 405 2.6.1.a.
- Pruning of boundary trees is proposed and the affected property owners along the west side of Bessborough will need to be comfortable with the arrangement for the protection of boundary trees.
- Shortage of school and daycare spots in the area.
- 217 out of 288 units (75%) are 1 BR or smaller, which is not consistent with the City’s Growing Up: Planning for Children in New Vertical Communities Guidelines. It also suggests a target market of speculative investors rather than live-in home buyers.
- It is unclear whether and how this application is enhancing the availability of affordable housing
Read complete June 3, 2022 Letter from LRA to Jason Xie, Planner, City of Toronto.
What can you do?
There is an active campaign related to this development proposal. You can join Bayview Broadway Good Planning’s mailing list, or donate to the defence fund, grab a lawn sign, and write to planner on the file, Jason Xie, copy to Councillor Jaye Robinson.
Background Info
- Ontario Land Tribunal Case Information – details and decisions (case #OLT-22-002912)
- Supporting Documentation and Application Details
- 1837-1845 Bayview Avenue – Zoning Amendment Application – Preliminary Report
- 1837-1845 Bayview Avenue – Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control Applications – Request for Direction Report