Bellwood Health Services operates an addiction treatment rehab facility at the north end of Brentcliffe Dr. Since re-opening in 2016, the facility has welcomed everyone to use its grounds for walking, dog-walking, and so on.
Bellwood recently informed us about several problems that it is experiencing with people entering its site: Being verbally abusive to staff and patients, e.g. “you are all going to get COVID-19 and die”; Bringing and consuming alcohol on the property, and refusing to leave when confronted by staff; Bringing pets into contact with patients; Not observing physical distancing rules; One person walking around the site with a baseball bat in hand; Taking photographs of patients; Not cleaning up after pets. Accordingly, Bellwood has placed signs to restrict grounds access to patients, staff, and scheduled deliveries. Bellwood has indicated that, post COVID-19, it hopes to agree on some basic rules and re-open the grounds to local residents. The LRA will work with Bellwood on this matter.