July 8, 2014
The Committee of Adjustment,
North York Civic Centre,
5100 Yonge Street,
North York, Ont., M2N 5V7.
Re: 206 Hanna Road,
File No. A440/14NY.
Att: Mr. Dan Antonacci,
Manager & Deputy Secretary Treasurer North District Panel.
Dear Mr. Antonacci,
The Leaside Property Owners’ Association provides this correspondence to express our strong opposition to this application for minor variances. This application involves demolition of a one and half storey (dormers) detached house and replacement with a new two storey detached home with integrated garage. The existing house is a good example of only a few “Modern” style homes built in the 1940’s (another is located at the corner of Hanna and Parkhurst). The home is located at a very prominent corner property (Hanna Road/Parklea Drive intersection) within the area included in the Leaside Heritage Conservation District nomination. The application therefore represents the loss of a significant Leaside character home at a prominent location on the access road to Leaside High School. The 15 requested variances (8 when duplications are considered) amount to an over-development of a very prominent lot:
- Proposed Floor Space Index (FSI) of 0.654 times the area of the lot WHEREAS a maximum FSI of 0.60 times the area of the lot is permitted. This represents 10.9% over the permitted FSI. This is not a minor variance.
- Proposed lot coverage of 40% of the lot area WHEREAS a maximum of 35% of the lot area is permitted. Any variance to coverage represents an over building of the site since the permitted coverage is set greater than the permitted FSI. This is not a minor variance.
- Proposed building height of 8.84m WHEREAS a minimum of 8.5m is permitted. This variance will disrupt the uniform height of the street which is below the permitted height.
- Proposed front yard soft landscaping area of 45.2% whereas 75% is required. This represents 39.7% over the permitted and is contrary to the environmental objectives of the city
- Proposed side yard soft landscaping area of 55.9% whereas 75% is required. This represents 25.5% over the permitted and is contrary to the environmental objectives of the city
- Proposed north side yard setback of 0.53M whereas 1.2M is required. Any variance to side yards next to the neighbour represents a loss of amenity to the neighbour. This is not a minor variance.
- Proposed south side yard setback of 0.45M whereas 1.2M is required. This represents a loss to the public realm on a prominent corner and access to the High School.
- Proposed parking space of 2.72M whereas 3.2M is required
In summary, the overall impact of the proposed variances are not minor in magnitude, are not in keeping with the provisions and intent of the existing zoning by-laws which were created to preserve the character of the neighbourhood. This application is for new construction and there is no site constraint which would force this proposal to not comply with the existing by-laws. and requests that the application for variances be denied.
The LPOA appreciates your consideration of our comments
Yours truly,
Geoff Kettel for
Carol Burtin Fripp and Geoff Kettel
Co-Presidents of LPOA
cc: Councillor John Parker.