CP Rail Corridor sign spanning Eglinton Ave. E.

The proposal:

Sign location - Eglinton Ave. E.

Proposal to permit the erection and display of one third party electronic ground sign, within a CP Rail corridor, containing one sign face, displaying electronic static copy. The sign face dimensions are proposed to be 14.63 metres horizontally by 4.27 metres vertically and the sign is proposed at a height of 10 metres. The sign is proposed to be located on the south side of Eglinton Avenue East, west of a bridge embankment supporting the rail corridor. The sign is proposed to face eastbound traffic along Eglinton Avenue East.

Summary of Variances

  • Size of sign face 62.43 square metres, whereas 20 square metres is permitted
  • Proximity to other third party signs
  • Within a site-specific area restriction
  • Within 60 metres of a CR sign district
  • Within 60 metres of an OS sign district
  • Within 250 metres of a CR sign district and facing a CR sign district
  • Within 250 metres of a OS sign district and facing an OS sign district
  • More than one third party ground sign on the same premises.

Pre-hearing Community Consultation Session
Monday, March 14, 2016, 7:30 p.m.
Thorncliffe Public Library, 48 Thorncliffe Park Dr.

You are invited to attend a pre‐hearing consultation session taking place on Monday March 14, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the Thorncliffe Public Library, 48 Thorncliffe Park Drive. Staff from the Sign By‐law Unit and the Applicant will be in attendance to provide information and for you to share your views. Your opinion counts!

Sign Variance Committee Hearing
Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 9:30 a.m.
Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall

The role of the Sign Variance Committee includes making a fair and impartial decision with respect to an application for variances from Chapter 694, Signs, General, of the City of Toronto Municipal Code concerning the proposed erection or display of a Third Party Sign. The Sign Variance Committee will hear the submissions of the Applicant for a variance from Chapter 694, as well as every other person who desires to be heard, with respect to the proposal. The Sign Variance Committee will also consider written comments or any other documentation provided to it regarding the application for variance received prior to the meeting.

The Sign Variance Committee may grant a variance (with or without conditions) where it has been established that the proposed sign:

  • Belongs to a sign class permitted in the sign district where the premises is located;
  • In the case of a third party sign, be of a sign type that is permitted in the sign district, where the premises is located;
  • Be compatible with the development of the premises and surrounding area;
  • Supports the Official Plan objectives for the subject premises and surrounding area;
  • Will not adversely affect adjacent premises;
  • Will not adversely affect public safety;
  • Is not a sign expressly prohibited by §694‐15B of Chapter 694;
  • Does not alter the character of the premises or surrounding area; and
  • Is, in the opinion of the Chief Building Official, not contrary to the public interest.


This notice has been sent to you, as required by Article V of Chapter 694, Signs, General, of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, to ensure that you will have an opportunity to make your views known concerning the above‐mentioned application by attending the Hearing or alternatively by sending your comments and any other documentation you believe the Sign Variance Committee should consider with respect to the abovementioned application by mail, fax or e‐ mail to the address described above.

If you do not attend the Hearing, or submit written comments or other documentation to the Sign Variance Committee regarding the application for variance, the Sign Variance Committee will make a decision (including recommending changes to the proposal) without providing you with an additional opportunity to provide comments with respect to the application.


  • The Sign Variance Committee will announce its decision on the application at the Hearing or at a later date as announced at the Hearing.
  • To receive a copy of the decision, please make the request either in person or by regular mail, telephone, fax or e‐ mail to the Sign Variance Committee at the address described above no later than the date of the Public Hearing, MARCH 22, 2016.

Please note that a decision of the Sign Variance Committee, in the case of a decision to refuse to grant a variance, is final and binding on the date the decision was issued; and in the case of a decision to grant a variance or to grant a variance with conditions, the decision is final and binding 21 days after the date the decision was issued unless an application to consider is filed by the ward councillor in accordance with §694‐30S of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.