Earlier this year, Hydro One Networks Inc. (Hydro One) initiated a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Leaside to Main Infrastructure Refurbishment Project, to replace aging underground transmission cables in eastern downtown Toronto. This work is required to maintain a safe and reliable
supply of electricity to the area. Hydro One has now completed the draft Environmental Study Report (ESR), which will be available for a 47-day public review and comment period beginning on September 29, 2016.
The proposed undertaking consists of:
- Replacing the underground cable between Leaside Transformer Station (TS) and Todmorden Junction (JCT). Hydro One has selected a preferred routing option as shown on the map and documented in the draft ESR; and
- Replacing the underground cable between Main TS and Lumsden JCT along the existing route, as no feasible alternatives were identified.
The replacement of underground cable is subject to the Class EA for Minor Transmission Facilities (Ontario Hydro, 1992). Pending the necessary approvals, construction could begin in mid-2017.
Our consultations on this project have included the replacement of overhead shield wire between Todmorden JCT and Lumsden JCT, which Hydro One had originally planned to complete at the same time as the underground cable replacement. The work on the shield wire has now been postponed and will no longer be assessed in the draft ESR. Hydro One is currently re-evaluating this work to identify opportunities to combine the shield wire replacement with future refurbishment activities that may be required in the same area. The release of the draft ESR, originally scheduled for early September, was deferred to incorporate this change. Nearby residents and stakeholders will be notified when more information about the overhead line work is available.
The draft ESR will be available for a 47-day public review and comment period from September 29, 2016 to November 14, 2016.
The draft ESR can be viewed at www.HydroOne.com/projects/LeasidetoMain/, and hard copies will be available for review at the following locations:
Thorncliffe Toronto Public Library
48 Thorncliffe Park Drive
Tel: 416-396-3865
Dawes Road Toronto Public Library
416 Dawes Road
Tel: 416-396-3820
Main Street Toronto Public Library
137 Main Street
Tel: 416-393-7700
S. Walter Stewart Toronto Public Library
170 Memorial Park Avenue
Tel: 416-396-3975
Written questions or comments on the draft ESR must be received by Hydro One no later than 4:30 p.m. on November 14, 2016. PLEASE ADDRESS YOUR CORRESPONDENCE TO:
Paul Dalmazzi, Environmental Planner
Hydro One Networks Inc.
483 Bay Street, North Tower, 14th Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 2P5
Email: moc.e1737822884nOord1737822884yH@sn1737822884oital1737822884eR.yt1737822884inumm1737822884oC1737822884
Hydro One will respond to and make best efforts to resolve any issues raised by concerned parties during the public review period. If no concerns are expressed, Hydro One will finalize the ESR and file it with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.
The project will then be considered acceptable and may proceed as outlined in the ESR.
The Environmental Assessment Act has provisions that allow interested parties to ask for a higher level of assessment for a Class Environmental Assessment project if they feel that outstanding issues have not been adequately addressed by Hydro One. This is referred to as a Part II Order request. Such requests must be addressed in writing to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, as well as the Director of the Environmental Approvals Branch and received no later than 4:30 p.m. on November 14, 2016, at the following addresses:
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
77 Wellesley Street West
11th Floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto, ON M7A 2T5
Email: ac.oi1737822884ratno1737822884@CCEO1737822884M.ret1737822884siniM1737822884
Director, Environmental Approvals Branch
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
135 St. Clair West, 1st Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 1P5
Email: ac.oi1737822884ratno1737822884@negB1737822884ISAAE1737822884
Please note that a duplicate copy of a Part II Order request must also be sent to Hydro One at the address noted.