Planning Application for 146-150 Laird Community Consultation Meeting 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

William Lea Room, Leaside Memorial Community Gardens
1073 Millwood Rd.
The City is holding a Community Consultation meeting where you can learn more about this application, ask questions and share your comments.

The LPOA has some serious concerns about this proposal and its impact on Leaside and we strongly encourage you to attend the meeting on February 9.


This application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law to permit a phased development with an eight-storey rental retirement building (Phase 1) with 175 units and a seven-storey condominium for seniors (Phase 2) with 109 units. The overall development would have 284 units with a Floor Space Index of approximately 3.45 and 183 spaces provided in an underground parking garage.

146-150 Laird Drive – Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Preliminary Report
We strongly encourage you to read it to get an idea of the scale of this development and the concerns already identified.

The proposed buildings are 31.8M and 30.8M in height (to the top of mechanical units) and the current zoning allows for 12.2M.

On a preliminary basis, staff have identified some concerns with the proposed relationship between the proposal and the existing residential area to the west of the subject site. The proposed buildings would be significantly taller than the existing dwellings and would not have significant rear yard setbacks. The transition between the proposed buildings and the existing residential area is important to ensure the proposal fits within the existing physical character and does not negatively impact the neighbourhood. The proposal also includes retaining the façade of an existing listed heritage building. In addition to these concerns, the following issues have been identified:

  • Whether the proposed transition to the existing residential neighbourhood is appropriate
  • Whether the proposed height, density, setbacks and landscaping are appropriate
  • Whether the proposed amenity space and locations are appropriate
  • Preservation and conservation of the listed heritage building
  • Relationship to existing heritage building
  • Appropriate Section 37 community benefits
  • Whether the proposed number of parking spaces is acceptable
  • Whether the proposed traffic impacts are appropriate
  • Are the shadow impacts acceptable
  • Whether grade related commercial units should be provided
  • Appropriate indoor and outdoor amenity space
  • Location of entrances
  • Whether it is possible to tie the occupancy of the condominium to seniors and whether that is appropriate
  • Compliance with the Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard.

We hope to see you on February 9!