The City is inviting residents to have their say about proposed rules for short-term rentals (such as Airbnb) via an online survey.
On June 19, 2017, City of Toronto Executive Committee directed Municipal Licensing & Standards (ML&S) and City Planning to consult the public on proposed zoning bylaw amendments and licensing and registration framework. The proposed regulations are to:
- Amend the City’s zoning bylaws to create a new land use called “short-term rental” that is permitted in principal residences across the city;
- Prohibit short-term rentals that are not in a person’s principal residence;
- License companies that facilitate short-term rental activity, like Airbnb; and
- Create a registry for anyone who operates a short-term rental in their home.
The City invites you to complete the short survey to provide your feedback on these proposed rules. The survey will be available online until August 18, 2017. The input that you provide will inform the final recommendations that staff will report to City Council in the fourth quarter of 2017. Update: Survey is now closed.
Up-to-date information on Toronto Short-Term Rentals